Today we talk to ALISTAIR FEAR, former Liberal Democrat Abingdon Town Council member who runs WHAT I’M CALLED: Backstreeter on my blog. Alistair Fear is my real name. Alec for short.

MY AGE IN YEARS: 54 WHAT I DO: At work I develop computer systems. At home I write the Abingdon Blog and Harry Dog Blog. They combine my love of taking pictures and love of writing.

WHERE I LIVE: West St Helen Street (formerly called Back Street) in Abingdon.

WHO I LOVE: Judith, my wife. Things are not always easy in marriage but hopefully we will make it through.

I wrote a poem when we got married 26 years ago. The last two lines were “I pray our love endures.

“Love be the greatest goal.”

HAPPIEST YEAR: 1966 and England winning the World Cup.

DARKEST MOMENT: Margaret Thatcher entering 10 Downing Street for the first time as Prime Minister ... then the years following with state assets being sold off cheaply, the humiliation of the miners’ strike, and the imposition of a universal poll tax.

PROUDEST BOAST: I was a Lib-Dem town councillor in Abingdon for eight years until earlier this year.

I had never been chosen or elected to do anything before so that made me proud.

I was usually the one who got left until last when choosing a football team in the school playground.

WORST WEAKNESS: Co-op fig rolls. I easily get through a box a day. After that it is panda liquorice.

LESSONS LEARNED: Not to analyse things too much, but always try to do the best I can in whatever job I’m doing and always try new creative things.

DULLEST JOB: Cutting out biscuits in a biscuit factory. Putting on the icing was interesting in comparison.

GREATEST SHAME: The recent renaming of Abingdon to Abingdon-on-Thames. I just love the name Abingdon.

Abingdon has such character. It does not need to try to be a second Henley-on-Thames.

LIFE-LONG HERO: Martin Luther King... “Words cannot express the exultation felt by an individual as he find himself, with hundreds of his fellows, behind bars for a cause he knows is just…”

“I have been to the mountain top...” Brings a tear to my eye.

OLDEST FRIEND: My sister Chris. Despite being near bottom at school because of dyslexia and behaviour problems she turned into one of those people everybody relies on and trusts.

She was also best man at my wedding and wore a white suit with a large cravat.

WIDEST SMILE: At the end of the film The Full Monty.

FAVOURITE DREAM: The one where I wake up and find that I’m seven years old again and can start it all over again.

BIGGEST REGRET: I probably should not say this as it will get me in big trouble but Sue getting married in 1981 – NOT to me but to Robin Hickman.

But then again that was probably the best thing she could do. She has gone on to great things and was always far more daring than I ever was. I would probably have followed in her wake.