Clara Mombeshora has inspired people with little or no knowledge of computers to grow in confidence and achieve certificates, as well as helping the Family Arena project with class planning, fundraising and volunteer management.

The 36-year-old mum from Oxford was given Oxfordshire Community and Voluntary Action’s volunteer award.

She said: “A lot of the work we do is volunteering and so it is nice to be recognised.

“Anything we can do to get more people computer literate and raise awareness for the charity is always a good thing.”

How did you become involved with the charity?

“The Family Arena is part of the charity arm of my church. I saw a notice about volunteering and I wanted to help.”

How long have you been involved with the charity?

“Almost a year now.”

What does the charity mean to you?

“It is very fulfilling. Although we are just a small part of the initiative it is so nice to he able to help and support other people.”

How has it made a difference to your life?

“It has been a great joy to be able to contribute to the community and make a difference.

“Helping people is great and I get to enjoy watching people leave more literate and confident on computers.”

What do you do for a living and how does it affect it?

“I work full time in market research and I am a young mother so I have to try and balance everything.

“When you see the difference you are making to people’s lives it makes all the work seem effortless.”

Happiest moment? “It isn’t a moment but what makes me happy is the evolution.

“When we started there were just one or two with laptops, now every learner has a laptop and they are confident with things like email and the internet.”

Saddest moment?“There’s nothing really sad as so many people benefit from the work we do, but the hardest thing is trying to get more people computer literate and to raise awareness for the charity.

“Sometimes we get a lot of inquiries about classes but the office is too small to accommodate everyone so we are limited in what we can do.”