I had one of those moments on the weekend where I realised I’m an idiot. Actually I used a few stronger words than that, but generally they all had to do with being taken for ride, scammed and blinded by people whose job it is to find suckers just like you and me.

I don’t know about you, but since this worldwide recession thing took hold, I’ve found I’ve cut down on buying one or two of the more frivolous things I used to waste money on.

Things like those trashy women’s magazines full of nothing but gossip and photos of so-called ‘celebrities’.

However, at the weekend, feeling a little flush having spent an entire day shopping with a friend and barely spending a penny, I decided to treat myself to some of my former favourite reading material.

Still feeling a little thrifty, the first thing I did was look for the one with the best freebie stuck to the front. Alas, none of them had anything I wanted, so I resorted to scanning through the pages to see which magazine (if any) contained something of interest to me.

It was then it struck me, none of them did!

I don’t know if I’ve suddenly got old, but as I flicked through page after page of articles showing me photos of ‘slebs’ spotted committing ‘horrendous’ crimes like wearing the same dress as someone else, showing a bit of hair regrowth, or God forbid some cellulite, it hit me.

Why would I ever want to pay money to see this sort of stuff? It was like an epiphany… OK, that is possibly a slight exaggeration, but there I was standing in the middle of the shop with the shop attendant’s eyes searing into my back (she’d clearly marked me as one of those types who like to read without paying), when I realised I don’t care if Madonna has wrinkly hands, or Sarah Jessica Parker has wrinkly feet or if someone else’s jeans are too tight.

Hell, every woman knows if you wear something a size too small and eat too much at lunch, the chances are your stomach will stick out.

We don’t need to see a photo taken by someone who’s been hiding in the trees with a long lens camera to learn that lesson!

I also don’t need to see what Tom Cruise’s daughter or Angelina Jolie’s son is wearing this week, because there’s more chance of me being able to fit into it than there is me being able to afford to buy it.

And as for knowing who someone is dating, (or as the case often is, who they were photographed walking along the street with), it’s hard to pick which is less important, that or photos of the three different bikinis Beyonce wore on holiday.

So there we have it, as of September 2011, I, Sue Carter will never* buy a trashy magazine ever again.

(*unless there is a free nail polish stuck to the outside) Hear Sue on Jack 106FM’s Morning Glory from 6am