Want to hear the best ‘most embarrassing moment’ story ever? We all have them. That one horrifying story that at the time made you wish the ground would open up at your feet and carry you to a place far, far away.

Well, I’ve got several, not the least the moment I was interviewing Boycie from Only Fools and Horses and he realised I had no idea who he was – and called me on it. But that moment completely pales against the story our new newsreader Caroline recently shared with us.

To protect the innocent, I won’t mention the multi-million-selling boy band the story involves. Or that they’re Irish. Or that there’s a guy called Shane in the band. What I will mention though, is that it’s not uncommon to find most people in radio carrying one or two celebrity numbers in their mobile, not because we’re well connected, but more because a mobile phone is the modern day equivalent of a little black book.

But, unfortunately, the temptation to do something you shouldn’t do with those numbers increases with the amount of alcohol you consume. Sadly this story is no different.

After a particularly long day at a social event, Caroline was, how shall I put this, ‘the least sober she has ever been in her life’, and as we all know, when you’re in that condition even the most stupid idea seems brilliant.

This in mind, someone suggested sending a message to every celebrity in her phone to see who would respond. In less than a minute ‘Mr Boyband’ replied.

Over the next hour they messaged back and forth, full of teasing banter but all quite harmless.

The next morning, in a slight haze, Caroline was awoken by the loud ringing of her mobile, and as she picked it up, she nearly dropped it back on the table. ‘Mr Boyband’ was calling her.

What? Then the night came flooding back. Over the next half an hour he continued calling while she answered and hung-up on him so he wouldn’t be sent to her voicemail, which revealed her name and workplace.

Finally the calls stopped, and just as she was thinking she’d dodged that bullet, a text message arrived, asking her to please phone him, as his wife had seen the messages and thought he was having an affair.

Horrified (and hungover) she messaged him back apologising saying she had just randomly texted a number. Moments later came the begging message ‘please call me, my wife doesn’t believe me’.

Rather than leave him in trouble, she took a deep breath, phoned Mr Boyband, apologised, and was duly lectured by his wife about how stupid she’d been.

A few weeks later while walking past a news stand, she encountered the couple again. This time staring at her from the front page of magazine. A quick flick through the story confirmed her worst fear, the happy couple had been on their honeymoon at the time of the texting incident...