A spy tells me that Prime Minister David Cameron has been spotted buying a Lottery ticket in a supermarket in Chipping Norton.

This is a worrying development indeed.

You know the country’s finances are in bad shape if the PM is banking on a Lotto win to bail us out.

Can you imagine the Cabinet meeting: “And one last thing, if you could all remember to do your numbers on Saturday as set out in fiscal policy. George, any joy on the 4.15pm at Doncaster?”

And what would Dave do if he did win?

People claim they wouldn’t give up their job if they hit the jackpot, but would you turn up on Monday if you netted a bumper payout?

Oxford City Council’s efforts to stop pubs and clubs handing out flyers has met with approval from one councillor.

Club promoters hand the leaflets to the young and hip in a bid to tempt them into city nightspots.

The council wants tighter regulations to tackle litter... but it seems one councillor is just fed up of being left out in the cold.

Antonia Bance said: “There was a time when they tried to hand them to me but now they have stopped.”

We can’t imagine why? Surely local councillors are right up there with lower league footballers and reality TV stars in terms of celebrity cachet.pay With County Hall cutting back on services across the board, scrapping its home support workers and closing youth centres, tips and libraries, residents could be forgiven for thinking the county council no longer cares.

Some may even feel a little lost.

But a quick glance at the council’s Twitter feed shows they do still care about your welfare.

Its sage advice includes: “Stocking up on Christmas food? Remember to check ‘use by’ and ‘best before’ dates to make sure the food will last for as long as you need!”

And we though that the Tories were against the “nanny state”.

County council leader Keith Mitchell’s online outbursts on his blog always attract attention and this week he debated the use of water cannons on school children.

He blogged: “If it is not water cannon, police officers need to identify how we bring law and order back to our streets.

“If it is water cannon, parents need to understand the risks their offspring face by joining in protests promoted by the hard left and anarchist fringe.”

When the “marauding hordes” stormed County Hall, Mr Mitchell locked himself in his office for safety.

We wait with bated breath for a planning application for a water cannon on top of County Hall.

And advice via Twitter on how to avoid getting wet.