IT IS official; winter is here. Okay, so in actual fact it’s still technically autumn, but as someone who suffers from dodgy circulation in her left leg thanks to the titanium bar down its middle, this week winter is most definitely here.

And with it comes our favourite pastime… moaning about how awful winter is.

Let’s face it, over the next six months we’ll see our fair share of miserable, grey, windy, wet and downright dull days. So to help you prepare for it I thought I’d come up with some reasons to look forward to winter.

These include things like celebrating the chance to hide your lumps and bumps under bulky knits and fluffy fleeces, or not having to see pale hairy legs protruding from men’s (and some ladies’) shorts.

Or there’s the chance to waste more hot water on one shower than a third world village uses in a month, or maybe you, like me, live in hope you may get a second use out of that expensive sledge you impulse-bought back in January.

There’s the long hours reading books and drinking mulled wine beside the fire, the ability to dry clothes within seconds on a radiator, and who can forget my favourite winter game: will my car’s heater start blowing actual warm air before I reach my destination?

And doubtless you’ll be looking forward to bonfire night with anticipation. I don’t know why, but something inside me says this year there’ll be a hell of a lot of people raising a glass to the conspirators who tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament.

In addition, November will also bring a brand new Harry Potter film, starring our very own Emma Watson.

The release of this movie just before Christmas is something I am very happy about.

And then, of course, there’s Christmas.

For me the beginning of this truly special event is marked by a certain chemist offering three for two on gift packs jammed full of things most of us have never heard of.

Nonetheless, they appear a bargain, and most importantly they have an easy-to-remove discount sticker so the recipient is none the wiser.

Plus, very soon, my neighbours will start to erect their Christmas lights. Rumour has it many stores buy in extra surge protecting extension leads for this very occasion.

I might sound a little cynical, but in reality I adore the twinkle of Christmas lights, the crunch of walking on fresh snow, and the glorious smell of mulled wine, pine needles and ginger bread. Although, oddly enough, nowadays these scents are far more likely to come from a candle in the loo than the kitchen.

But the thing I love the most about winter? Getting on a plane at Heathrow when it’s three degrees, then touching down a mere 24 hours later in 30 degrees.

God bless Australia!