MasCARa? Has the world gone mad? So here we are girls...a new season! Autumn is always the best time for a wardrobe update because we get to buy lovely new boots, coats, bags oh....and apparently it’s not just us that need a makeover because now we can buy eyeliner and EYELASHES for our cars.

Now I should be jumping up and down and sending Ms Angry letters to, the inventors of car eyelashes and crystal eyeliner “the newest hot products for your car created to allow cars to be personalised with a feminine touch” but, to be honest, I just feel like surrendering instead.

For years, various bits of consumer research have shown time and time again that when most women buy a new car they think about the colour before the fuel consumption. I don’t know how true this is. When I bought my last car there wasn’t much choice (silver or silver because Ford had made too many) and thankfully it was very economical to run and cheap to insure. However, my girlfriends are firmly divided into the following camps: 1. I am the wrong side of 40, I just want a convertible and I am hoping that my husband will buy me one. If he doesn’t I will just put it on my credit card or sell one of the children 2. I have been reading Auto Trader like a woman possessed for the last six months, I am about to buy a new car, ask me ANYTHING...I even know about boot capacity 3. My car just passed its MOT, AND they valetted it! Hurrah!

The girls that fall into categories 1 and 3 are probably the most honest. Those in the middle, I am never entirely convinced by. They claim to have this encyclopaedic knowledge of cars but is this simply in a bid to try to beat the boys at their own game?

Although I can definitely live without the WAG-style eyelashes and diamante eyeliner option, I have been thinking about how cars can be made a bit more girl-friendly.

For example if, like me, you like to carry round a handbag-sized can of Elnett, several lip glosses, hand cream, perfume and two pairs of sunglasses, wouldn’t it be handy to have an in-car vanity unit that just slides out of the dashboard?

And what if the mirrors in the sunvisors were bordered by mini lightbulbs – just like an A-lister’s dressing room?

It would also be a stroke of genius if your car detected that you were about to put your mascara on and immediately opened the sunroof to prevent you getting mascara all over the lining of the roof.

So while I embrace equality in every other area of life, when it comes to cars I am quite happy to let the boys carry on wittering about their toys, and concentrate my shopping talents firmly on shoes and bags.