Q Our 12-year-old collie cross was castrated at eight months and six months ago started dripping blood. His prostate was found to be enlarged. He was given five Tardak jabs, but this never completely stopped it. The last few days he has started bleeding again and we don’t know what to do.

A My first move would be to investigate why the prostate is swollen by taking a sample of the prostate tissue cells.

This can be done through a biopsy from the outside or by removing a sample of cells after flushing fluid in through a catheter then sucking the fluid through a syringe (prostatic wash). These samples are then analysed at a laboratory.

When the problem with the prostate is diagnosed, hopefully, a more effective treatment can be started.

Q My West Highland terrier suffers from eczema. She has one steroid tablet daily. The condition is not getting better, but I don’t want to give an increased dose due to the side effects. A I assume she has had skin tests to arrive at a diagnosis of eczema and that it is due to an allergy.

I am afraid there is no cure for this condition. If you know what she is allergic to you could try avoiding it, but this is often impossible. Your vet could have a monthly vaccine made up to reduce the severity of her itch, and there are creams and sprays on the market to reduce the irritation but these are all steroid-based, short acting and messy. There are several shampoo treatments and essential oil supplements – discuss these with your vet.