HERE at Insider Towers, we are all for recycling. And so, it would seem, are the Boys in Blue. Either that or Det Sgt Steve Raffield (one of Oxford’s highest ranking officers) and Pc Paul Phillips (an award-winning community police officer) are so in tune, they speak the same language.

And I mean exactly the same language.

On March 5, speaking about cashpoint theft, Det Sgt Steve Raffield said: “I would also like to take this opportunity to remind the public to be vigilant when they are withdrawing money.

“It is important to make sure that they keep their pin hidden and that they don’t let themselves be distracted while getting the money out, and put their money in a secure place as soon as it is withdrawn.”

And on March 31, you’ve guessed it, exactly the same words of wisdom from Pc Phillips...

NEVER ones to miss a trick, the Greens in Oxford have jumped on the expenses bandwagon and “demanded” Labour Oxford East MP Andrew Smith comes clean on how he spends his second home allowance.

According to the Greens, he has claimed close to £100,000 over the past five years.

Presumably, it’s on his second home.

The allowance, which has led to criticism of Labour colleagues Home Secretary Jacqui Smith and Tony McNulty, is given to MPs to reimburse them for costs incurred when staying overnight away from their main home.

Green group deputy leader David Williams said: “Many hard-working Oxford residents commute on a daily basis to London at their own expense.

“We have a right to know how our MP is spending this controversial allowance. It is, after all, public money.”

Well, they won’t have to wait long.

Mr Smith’s receipts will be published for the first time later this month.

WE all know the personification of political correctness is often to be found at County Hall. So it is ironic Oxfordshire County Council leader Keith Mitchell has that very subject in his sights.

In the firing line are those hard-working Eurocrats, the men and women of the European Union, who have apparently banned the use of Miss and Mrs, labelling them sexist.

Mr Mitchell said: “The madness will not stop there. How long before the European Union tries to change the name of Manchester to Personchester?”

So does unmarried Mr Mitchell refer to his partner – Cherwell district councillor Lynda Thirzie Smart – as Miss Smart or just ‘er indoors? We deserve to know.

BELIEVE it or not, the agreement for a Low Emission Zone in the centre of Oxford, as agreed yesterday, was not an April Fool’s joke.

Seriously, hot air discussions between Oxford city and Oxfordshire county councils, which ban the most polluting vehicles, only apply to public service buses and coaches – not vans, minibuses, lorries and cars.

No enforcement zone is defined, but if the Westgate plans ever go ahead then there will be more buses and pollution.

But best of all, the LEZ will not take effect before December 31, 2013.