Even though I grew up in Memphis, Tennessee, only an hour from Oxford, Miss, I would never have considered calling myself a Mississippian. However, after almost eight years in Oxford, I now proudly call myself a Mississippian.

Why? Well, because I'm convinced that Mississippi is unique and one of the most culturally rich places in America, like a trove of "best kept secrets", some of which are just a short drive from Oxford.

Understandably, my job (tourism) keeps me on the road a lot, especially within the State, and recently I was in Holly Springs, Mississippi, for a few days.

Holly Springs is only about 30 minutes from Memphis which, as you may remember from some of my previous columns, is famous for being the home of Elvis Presley.

Holly Springs is, for the most part, a sleepy little town, filled with gorgeous antebellum homes, and the best cheeseburger joint in the world (so they claim). But, one of its more hidden secrets is a place called Graceland Too.

Graceland Too from the outside looks like the classic white picket fenced home, and it and the street look like something out of Peyton Place, if you can remember that. However, upon closer look one begins to notice the oversized Lion Statues out front; oh, and the blue Christmas trees.

Graceland Too's owner and curator, Paul McCloud, has turned his home into a shrine to Elvis Presley. Knocking on the door, I realise I am re-enacting what is a frequent trip for so many Ole Miss Students in the wee hours of the morning. I suppose it's like a rite of passage, if you will.

Anyway, McCloud opens the door, black slicked back hair and dentures that are not quite sealed to his mouth, and immediately begins preaching the gospel of Elvis. He claims to have the world's largest personal Elvis collection, and it is not hard to believe, as each inch of his home is filled with Elvis memorabilia, from photos and posters to albums.

He has an Elvis driver licence, replicas of costumes he wore, report cards - you name it , he has it. He lives and breathes Elvis.

Though guests are usually laughing or standing mouth wide open in disbelief, McCloud is passionate. He speaks of a son, Elvis Aaron Presley McCloud, who has left him, and a wife who said: "Baby, it's me or the Elvis collection" and well, we are still visiting the Elvis collection so you can imagine how that turned out. One room is lined with photos of guests who have visited, and you can spot the occasional celebrity, but mostly it's Ole Miss Students and visitors from Memphis and surrounding towns.

The absurdity of the place, and his unique character makes it so unbelievable that it is endearing. And when I stand there listening to him, I realise just why I love this neck of America so much.

After all, where else in the world could you come across such an extraordinary character? Oh yeah, Oxford, England, I'm betting . . .