A PRESCHOOL in Kidlington has had a disappointing Ofsted rating despite praise from the inspector.

Robin Preschool, which uses classrooms at Edward Feild Primary School, has been rated 'requires improvement' after its first assessment since registering in 2016.

A report published for the 99-pupil preschool on Saturday said: "Staff sometimes do not organise play and learning in the Robin room effectively.

"They rely too much at times on large-group activities to manage the numbers of children present...Younger children struggle to maintain concentration during several larger group activities.

"Staff sometimes interrupt play unnecessarily, and occasionally are slow to notice children who need additional attention to engage in activities.

"[But] they support children well at other times to develop important skills."

It was rated 'requires improvement' in three of four categories assessed, but the category of 'personal development, behaviour and welfare' was rated 'good' and staff were said to be supportive.