FIRE chief are supporting the Thames Valley Police campaign against drink-driving by urging drivers to have ‘none for the road’ during the festive season.

Staff from Oxfordshire Fire Service road safety team said they were often asked ‘how many drinks can I have and still be under drink-drive limit?’.

They are urging drivers not to drink at all before getting behind the wheel as the consumption of alcohol played a part in one out of five deaths on Oxfordshire roads in 2016.

They are also reminding drivers that alcohol could still be in their system the morning after a night out.

Andy Ford, Oxfordshire County Council Fire Service road safety education team manager said: “Our ‘Morning After’ campaign and resources remind people that it takes about one hour per unit of alcohol to be processed by our liver.

“There’s no way to speed that up the process, drinking water or coffee might make you feel better and more lively but it won’t increase the speed at which your body processes the alcohol - only time works.

Mr Ford and his colleagues have issued a series of safety tips for drivers, including drinking non-alcohol cocktails.

Drivers can also book a taxi, get on public transport or walk.

For further information on non-alcoholic drinks visit the website