OXFORDSHIRE’S mental health trust has been criticised by union reps for a ‘draconian’ policy for staff who cannot complete safety training.

All staff on wards at Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust are required to complete PMVA (prevention management of violence and aggression) training, which is designed to keep them safe at work and includes physical restraints.

But according to Oxfordshire Unison Health Branch, those exempt from training due to a physical impairment or disability at Oxford Health are given three months to find another job, or have their contract terminated.

Reps are asking the trust to change its policy to guarantee those staff members some kind of employment, including re-training them.

Communications officer Ian McKendrick said: “All staff working on one of the mental health wards could at some point find themselves being discarded if they become disabled and unable to complete PMVA training.

“The trust has so far refused to agree even the smallest concession to ensure that no staff member is thrown out of work.”

In response Oxford Health said all staff needed to complete PMVA training, now re-branded as Positive Engagement And Caring Environments (PEACE) training.

Spokeswoman Victoria Taylor said: “We understand a member of staff may become unable to fulfil this training and we follow a clear process in line with good practice and legislation in these circumstances offering alternative work opportunities and adjustments to roles where appropriate.”