A COMMUNITY is set to celebrate the opening of a freshly-planted orchard.

Villagers in Blewbury will enjoy picnics, live performances from a brass band and an array of other events, in anticipation of the exotic fruits of their labour.

Sustainable Blewbury has planted 47 fruit trees on publicly-owned land in the village, including apple, pear, cherry and quince, plum and cobnut.

John Ogden, who masterminded the project, said: “We have been so excited to see such support and co-operation from across the village for this very special project. It has been a wonderful example of community action and hard work to improve our environment and amenities.”

Visitors can pop along to an opening party from midday on Saturday, June 11.and enjoy entertainment, storytelling, food and drink, with all profits going to charity.

The orchard was planted with help from Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment and Blewbury Parish Council.