A heavily pregnant woman was stabbed to death in her bedroom while her whole family was at home, police have revealed, after announcing her baby has also died.

Royal Mail worker Kelly Mary Fauvrelle, 26, was eight months pregnant when she was murdered at her home in Raymead Avenue, Thornton Heath, London, in the early hours of Saturday.

Her baby son – who was named Riley by family members after he was delivered by paramedics – died in hospital in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

Riley’s father, who did not live with Ms Fauvrelle, was with his son at the time of his death and is not currently being treated as a suspect, Scotland Yard said.

The force has released CCTV footage of a possible suspect seen walking towards the address before running away from the scene minutes later.

Detective Chief Inspector Mick Norman said her family was alerted to the “vicious” attack by her screams at around 3.30am.

“It was a savage and sustained attack on a clearly and obviously heavily pregnant woman, which has had catastrophic results,” he said.

“She has suffered from multiple stab wounds. When the family got into her room, she was clearly critically injured.”

Croydon stabbing
A forensic officer speaks with a police officer at the scene in Raymead Avenue (Kirsty O’Connor/PA)

Mr Norman said Ms Fauvrelle’s whole family – her mother, two brothers, sister and sister’s baby son – were all in the house but did see the attacker.

“The attack took place in Kelly’s bedroom on the ground floor and at the rear of the premises,” he said.

“In terms of access there is a communal passageway and potentially the obvious access point would be through the kitchen.

“There is no sign of a forced entry but that does not mean, through accident, the premises were insecure.”

He added the murder weapon, which could be a kitchen knife, is yet to be found.

In the footage released by the Metropolitan Police, a man is seen walking towards Ms Fauvrelle’s address at 3.11am and running back just over 10 minutes later.

The force are appealing for anyone who may know the potential suspect to contact police.

Police officers at the scene in Raymead Avenue, Thornton Heath
Police officers at the scene in Raymead Avenue, Thornton Heath (Kirsty O’Connor/PA)

Mr Norman was unable to say whether Ms Fauvrelle’s attacker was known to her and officers are keeping an open mind.

Detectives are trying to build a picture of Ms Fauvrelle’s life and the people she knew.

“What is very clear is she was very happy to be pregnant,” Mr Norman said.

“She was very much looking forward to being a mother. She was popular but also a very private person.”

Two men have been arrested on suspicion of murder.

One, aged 37, was released with no further action, and a second, aged 29, has been released on bail until early August.

Anyone with information is asked to call the police incident room on 020 8721 4005 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.