ACCOUNTANT Malcom Ross from Didcot cycled more than 900 miles with his 72-year-old dad Iain to raise more than £3,000 for charity.

The pair biked from Land’s End to John O’Groats to support charities Bowel & Cancer Research and the Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund.

Father-of-two Malcolm Ross, 48, from Bosley’s Orchard, Didcot, said: “The first two days were quite difficult, Cornwall and Devon are very hilly.

“But when we dropped into Glencoe a week later it was probably the most awesome descent I have ever done on a bike with the mist sitting in ribbons around the mountains.

“Dad was in front setting the pace all the way and I followed in his slipstream. It was the best of times.”

Iain Ross, from Scotland, has always been a keen cyclist and first suggested the ride to John O’Groats more than 30 years ago.

Son Malcolm, who completed the ride in June, added: “With dad now in his 70s and me fast approaching 50 we thought it was about time we got on with it.”

Mr Ross has lived in Didcot since he was 21 when his parents moved there with his dad’s job on the railways. He lives with wife Annie and their two children, James, 11, and Ellen, seven.

Mr Ross chose to support Bowel & Cancer Research because a member of his church is undergoing treatment for bowel cancer.

A spokeswoman for Bowel & Cancer Research said: “Bowel cancer affects 40,000 people a year and our aim is to ensure that more people survive in future.

“That’s why the support of people like Malcolm is invaluable.”

The £3,000 total was split between the two charities.

Anyone who wants to support Malcolm Ross (Bowel & Cancer Research) can do so by visiting MalcolmRoss2 or by texting VNT186 £1 or any other sum to 70070.

To support Iain Ross, who was raising money forPancreatic Cancer Research, visit