HOW can anyone with a modicum of commonsense even compare exhaust emissions? either petrol or diesel, between the ’60s and those today?

Advances in exhaust emission control have advanced at the same pace as modern engine technology, including the catalytic converters now fitted to all vehicles and the ever tightening demands of the motoring organisations, politicians and the various green organisations.

As to the E block paint shop, the problems the folk living locally had to put up with are well documented, despite British Leyland/Rover spending a fortune in updating and maintaining the filter systems.

The modern paint shop bears no comparison to the old E block paint shop, again due to vast advancement in technology.

I would respectfully suggest to Mr Tucker that the next time BMW hold an open day he pays them a visit and notes that the main production system and BIW (Body In White), as with the paint shop, are pristine. Those working there take pride in their surroundings.

Due to the tight contamination controls placed on the paint shop, even others working on the plant have to get clearance and get togged up in anti-static and anti-dust overalls, boots, caps and face masks.

In the emissions laboratory, vehicles are subjected to emission tests far more rigorous than those imposed by any Government department.

BMW even employs its own internationally-recognised auditors.

No exhaust system will ever be perfect as long as we rely on fossil fuels, but they are far better now than they’ve ever been and improving all the time, thanks to the vast investments of motor vehicle manufacturers.

KEN ROPER Morton Avenue Kidlington