WHAT a great plan to let cyclists pedal their bikes along Queen Street in Oxford.

I thought that this was meant to be a pedestrian zone.

What plans have Oxford City councillors got next – to let cyclists through Cornmarket Street or even let them ride through the Covered Market? All this is being thought about to promote bike use, so that we leave our cars at home.

What a load of tosh. Do we really want our shopping streets in Oxford looking like something from India, where bikes are everywhere, bells ringing and people getting bruised all over with cyclists in collisions with pedestrians?

If the plans to let Queen Street be used by cyclists go ahead, city councillors should issue all shoppers with free padding.

Think again please, our shopping centre should be for just that – shopping – and not worrying about what bicycle we are going to run into next.

CHRIS BOSWELL (Mr), Williamson Way, Rose Hill, Oxford