MODERN Art Oxford’s latest exhibition looks at the county’s many waterways.

Artists Nomeda and Gediminas Urbonas and writer Tracey Warr have made a series films of river journeys in Oxford and sculptures for the show.

The idea behind the residency is to show the role rivers play in our “sense of individual and collective belonging”.

Ms Warr said: “I’m a hydrophiliac, I can’t stay out of the water for long.

“I’m intrigued by various human and non-human experiences around the world of living on and in water.

“I’m exploring what scenarios climate change and future studies researchers predict for the hydrosphere and how artists might be able to contribute inspiring ideas and inventions for a future Water Age.

“I wonder if in the future some of us may live lives that are more amphibian and if, instead of being a dystopia, that might instead impact beneficially on the values that we live with and by.”

The exhibition runs until Sunday, August 19 at the Pembroke Street gallery.