TEN worthy causes in Blackbird Leys are celebrating after landing community grants .

The organisations, which range from a nursery to a community radio station and market, shared grants totalling £5,624.

The grants come from Community First funding – Government money given to the Leys to help out the community.

The Dovecote Voluntary Parent Committee received £700 for games to use at its new pre-school.

Manager Carol Richards said: “We are going to be opening a preschool in January, as there's a lack of spaces for two-year-olds on the estate.

And with a new Government initiative funding places for two-year-olds, we felt we could fill that gap.”

The new nursery will provide places for 12 two-year-olds and eight three-year-olds over two daily sessions.

Ms Richards added: “This money will pay for toys and equipment. It’s always good to get grants like this at the moment.”

The Leys Community Market, which aims to see a new market open in Greater Leys by the autumn, received £750.

Co-organiser Christine McDermott said: “It was nice to get this pot of money towards the sharing of skills at the market. It’s all very encouraging, so now we’re concentrating on getting a good team of volunteers to make it a reality.”

Also receiving cash was the Blackbird Leys Allotment Association, which got £562 to help refurbish allotments, and £750 was given to the Clockhouse for an IT project aimed at over-50s.

The decision was made by the Leys Neighbourhood Partnership, which is made up of organisations including Oxford City Council , Blackbird Leys Parish Council and Oxfordshire Community and Voluntary Action.

They put particular emphasis on projects aimed at older people living alone, disengaged young people, the unemployed and lone parents, among others.

Barbara Moody. of the Senior Leys Independent Gardening Organisation, based at the Clockhouse, in Greater Leys, said their £350 would be well used.

She said: “We always need money for rubbish bags, renewing our plants and feeding them. “We make some money on open days selling jam, crafts and other things but grants like this are very much appreciated.”

The next round of Community First funding is now open and will close at 4pm on Friday, August 24. To apply, visit oxford.gov.uk, email communities@oxford.gov.uk or contact Cheryl Snudden on 01865 252646.

The organisations getting grants are:

  • Leys Community Market: £750
  • The Leys CDI: £650 towards summer project
  • OX105FM: £287 towards new aerial and transmitter
  • Joseph production at Church of Holy Family: £625
  • The Clockhouse: £750 for IT project
  • Leys News: £650 for new printer
  • Blackbird Leys Allotment Association: £562 to help refurbish allotments
  • SLIGO: £350 towards running costs
  • Frys Court Partnership: £300 for healthy lunch for 150 people
  • The Dovecote: £700 for indoor and outdoor games at nursery