ADRIAN Blackmore of the Countryside Alliance (Letters, August 2) can wriggle and squirm all he likes, but he cannot escape the fact that swamping the countryside with game birds for the perverse pleasure of the blood sports fraternity creates a gross imbalance.

It is also ironic that he claims his ‘sport’ benefits wading birds. The major threat to our migrating birds is posed by hunters in France and elsewhere where there is open season on anything that moves.

These French hunters were invited to support the Countryside Alliance at their demonstration prior to the Hunting Act, and the organisation laid on several trains to transport them to London.By your friends ye shall be known.

These people have total contempt for life, as shown by the fact that on many estates they bury vast numbers of their prey that are surplus to requirements in deep pits.

They have hijacked the conservation movement, because it provides the ideal alibi for their persecution of wildlife, and they continue to do immense harm by promoting the perception of living creatures as mere biological entities that exist purely to enhance the egos of this pathetic minority.

PETER LANGLEY Windmill Road Headington