A SWORD owned by a former Prime Minister is one of the eye-catching exhibits coming up for sale at an auction house near Kidlington.

Bonhams are selling 150 Victorian and Georgian swords, including a sabre owned by Lord Grenville, who was Prime Minister from 1806 to 1807.

Canadian collector Gary Bates has put the collection up for sale, which will take place at the auction house in Shipton-on-Cherwell on Tuesday.

Bonhams regional director Michael Wynell-Mayow said: “A particularly interesting weapon in this collection is the sword which is believed to have been presented to Lord Grenville, and is valued at £2,500 to £3,500.

“Lord Grenville’s sword, a Georgian Agate Hilted Marmeluke presentation sabre, is made by Salter & Salter.”

The whole collection is valued at £160,000 and the second half of the sale will take place on December 5.