To talk of a lack of Israeli atrocities (Oxford Mail, July 19), is to air brush the recent war in Gaza, the Mavi Mamara murders, and ongoing atrocities that happen practically everyday of the week.

The Palestinians being offered 95 per cent would be laughable if it wasn’t so serious.

After the Oslo Accords they were offered and accepted 22 per cent of Palestine. This was then reneged at Camp David where they were expected to give up even more of the 22 per cent.

That was unacceptable, as was Israel keeping East Jerusalem sovereign to them alone.

Over years Palestinians have been attacked, arrested and held without charge by the hundreds, including many children.

They see Israeli settlements continuingly being built on their land, despite being illegal and breaking United Nations resolutions.

There are Jewish only roads built on stolen land, water supplies are for Israelis only and Palestinians are terrorised in their own lands by the same settlers.

Jews not allowed into Palestinian areas, is surely the most ridiculous comment.

Even if people were allowed into Gaza I can’t imagine why anybody would want to “break into” what is effectively a prison camp.

Discriminatory laws against Arabs are going through the Knesset now and all these reasons are behind Israel being seen as an apartheid state and losing support in recent BBC polls.

Hamas has sought peaceful means, but Israel is the one that rejects or breaks any chance for peace.

For the violence to stop, the answer is a simple one, end the occupation.

TIM W SIRET, Millmoor Crescent, Eynsham