I HOPE James Styring (On Yer Bike, Oxford Mail, July 10) was just pulling our legs when he wrote: “The main advantage to the cycle track between BMW and Headington Roundabout is that you don’t have to stop continuously at traffic lights.

Now I realise who it is that flies past while we good walkers wait at the lights at the end of Horspath Driftway.

Mums with buggies, school children, dogs and owners wait patiently for the ‘Green Man’, then some cyclist, out of nowhere, races across oblivious of all around him or her. This also happens to be the road where the fire station is positioned.

This behaviour also happens at the next set of traffic lights, near the Six Bells pub.

Next time you do the ride round the ring road, James, you might spare a thought for the young lives lost which finally encouraged the powers-that-be to put the concrete barrier on the central lane of a very busy road.

Before the foliage grew so tall there was, now hidden, a footpath running between that and the cycle track.

Now, all too often, walkers have to share the path with cyclists.

I hope that James is not one of those cyclists who shout obscenities at us walkers and also hope he has a bell on his bike (used to be an essential).

MARY STIFF Corunna Crescent Cowley