WE are governed by consent or not at all, but unelected bureaucrats in Brussels have not earned that consent by the majority of the British people.

About 70 to 75 years ago, many millions laid down their lives to preserve the values these bureaucrats have dishonoured – freedom, decency and, of course, democracy. These must be returned to our society. Long-established, civilized values which this country fostered and spread across the world, have been gradually eroded.

It only requires a relatively small number of active, able and resolute people to act together in memory of the few who saved this country from a similar tyrannous fate in 1940.

The EU project, as it is called, has been pushed through without consulting the public – and needs to be corrected with, at the very least, a referendum on the subject.

Time for action – the talking is over.

For the first time ever, we welcome a woman boss at the TUC later this year.

A timely opportunity to remind her, and the TUC, that, in 2007 at the TUC annual congress, delegates voted strongly in favour to demand a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, the EU laws, directive and regulations now affecting all of us.

Maybe the TUC should also be seen to now push for a referendum on whether Britain stays in the EU or not.

JOHN MADEN, UKIP, Montagu Road, Botley