WE live in strange times when the nation is no longer supported by those in public life who have a sound grounding in ethics and who value the benefits brought to society by those who know the worth of holy marriage in which to raise healthy children for the future of a country’s good. By having harnessed public speakers in the media and in politics, gay lifestyles are being widely supported and presented as a normal way of life. The reality is that only a few gay activists want gay marriage – most want a quiet life and privacy. A gay lifestyle is full of dangers physical and spiritual, no-one in their right mind would choose it for themselves.

There are too many making victims of those who are weak and have not the support of friends and family and the Church’s sacraments of confession and reconciliation. The quality of politicians we have today in power will be remembered by posterity as a disgrace by forcing on us all their so-called ‘equality laws’.

David Cameron and Nick Clegg and the Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow with their support for gay marriage will, like the Scottish parliamentarians, find to their surprise that the ballot box cannot be silenced. In the UK the majority have still a voice.

ALBA THORNING (Mrs), York Road, Headington, Oxford