THE superficial thinking displayed by Sue Holden (Oxford Mail, July 9) in stating she believes the proposed Barton West housing development is a wonderful idea – without any comment by her on the need to preserve the present wildlife habitat and allotments used by Barton people – is arrogant and absurd.

Of course, the development companies involved are primarily concerned with an economic return and not with an enlightened attitude towards the countryside.

The intended park cannot replace or alter this. A gym is proposed but good exercise can be obtained by walking through the countryside which the Barton West project would, so wrongly, destroy.

The idea for new shops and a school, when sufficient of such already exist, is an excuse to pave the way for a housing developer’s free-for-all, whereby money making and economic greed are the primary, terrible aims.

Although representing Barton Community Association, Sue Holden is a Sandhills person and, as such, should not speak for Barton, whereas I have lived for more than 40 years in Barton and can speak for it from a truly Barton, logical and wise angle.

There cannot be an endless cycle of house building. An ugly fast-food outlet and restaurant, replacing pleasant trees, are in no way great but would be an awful eyesore.

DAVID SCOTT, Bayswater Road, Barton, Oxford