WE read the Oxford dog track is earmarked for housing (Thursday’s Oxford Mail).

What a disaster this could be, now that the Cowley Speedway and Greyhound Stadium is under threat again, just a few months since the city council designated it for sport, not housing.

The council’s decision not to allow the stadium to be pulled down really did deserve the thanks of the many speedway and greyhound supporters and it was thought then that the council had realised that the stadium owners had deliberately run it down and asked for rents which, for example, speedway promoters could not afford.

Let us hope that the venture capitalists’ asset-stripping plans are once again thwarted.

The stadium is a unique asset which, once destroyed, will never be replaced.
While the speedway track still exists, there is hope that this family sport, enjoyed by a strong Oxford and district following, can return.

There are many other sites around Oxford where houses can be built, so why destroy an asset while there is other land suitable for housing remaining unused?

JOHN FRAY, London Road, Wheatley