AS the nation counts down to the start of the London 2012 Olympics two weeks from today, it is all done and dusted for some schoolchildren in Bicester.

Nursery and foundation pupils at Bure Park School, in Lucerne Avenue, held their own Olympics, complete with a torch relay, opening ceremony and medal presentation.

Children represented five countries – India, Brazil, Ireland, Spain and China – and each team had to learn a dance from their country to perform at the opening ceremony.

About 135 children, aged three to five, took part in races including land swimming, canoe slalom – using cardboard boxes around their waist – welly-wanging and sprinting. There was also show jumping on hobby horses, shooting with toy guns and gymnastics Winners were presented with gold, silver and bronze medals by headteacher Rob Pearson.

Games organiser Gill Salt said: “I’m very proud of all the children for giving 100 per cent commitment in a variety of events.

“The day ended with a spectacular medal ceremony.

“It was an Olympic celebration for a year to remember at Bure Park.”

Each of the five torchbearers had been nominated for special achievements during the school year and completed a circuit of the arena before the school’s torch was used to light a cauldron – children waving fire-coloured pompoms – signalling the start of the games.

Then teams performed their country’s traditional dance, ranging from Spanish flamenco, Irish and Indian dancing to martial arts-style moves for China and the Brazilian samba.

Earlier in the week many of the children got to see the real Olympic Torch pass through Bicester as the school closed early on Monday to allow them to join the crowds in the town centre.