WHAT started as a bid to make “as much as possible” for charity, has raised almost £13,000 for an Oxford hospital.

When Emma Bond, from Banbury, was 35 weeks pregnant with her son by partner Jonathan Pollard, 31, the couple were told that he had died.

Miss Bond had suffered a placental abruption caused by severe pre-eclampsia – a condition she had been unaware she had until she was taken to the Banbury’s Horton Hospital on September 22, 2011.

The 33-year-old was then left fighting for her own life.

After being transferred from Banbury to the Silver Star Unit for high-risk pregnancies at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, Miss Bond had to go through a full labour of son William to save her own life.

Keen to thank the hospital and keep the memory of his nephew alive, Mr Pollard’s 35-year-old brother Simon embarked on a fundraising 950-mile charity bike ride from John O’Groats to Land’s End.

Miss Bond said: “The care we received at Silver Star was second to none.

“Initially we wanted to raise £1,500, so to have gone from that to where we are is amazing.

“It has really highlighted how important research into pre-eclampsia is.

“It is great that this money can now make a real difference, all in William’s memory.”

The Silver Star unit cares for seriously ill expectant mothers and their unborn babies.

The unit needs to raise £120,000 to fund cutting-edge research into understanding pre-eclampsia.

Miss Bond added: “Hopefully this money will go towards research into exactly what the causes of pre-eclampsia are.

“Once they know, they will hopefully be able to control it and one day find a cure.”

  • To donate go to justgiving.com/WilliamNoahPollardBond Picture: OX50183 Ric Mellis