AS A regular reader of View Points I cannot recall a subject reported more than the disgusting state of our city toilets.

This problem just doesn’t seem to go away. It was stated recently that money was available for a full revamp of Gloucester Green toilets.

Why has nothing been done so far, as we are well into this current financial year? If John Tanner, the councillor responsible for this department, finds it too much to handle as part of his Cleaner Greener Oxford brief then he should do the honourable thing and resign from this position and let someone take over who could do the job more efficiently.

There is no shame in that. Then perhaps we may get some action on the long-awaited revamp of Gloucester Green toilets.

How ridiculous to suggest having flowers and books to read in such a place. What people need is a constant supply of soap, toilet paper and perhaps an air freshener.

I’m glad I’m not a tourist guide and have to explain the situation to those tourists who ask for directions to the nearest toilet. I would have to direct them all to the Town Hall.

Other toilets within the city should not be sacrificed at the expense of Gloucester Green.

They all need upgrading in some form or another because they have been neglected for so long – that’s if the money doesn’t run out!

COLIN SMITH, George Moore Close, Oxford