COWLEY was swinging to the sound of music this weekend as hundreds of hopefuls grabbed their moment to shine.

The Talent Oxford contest returned for its third year, with auditions being held on Saturday and yesterday at the Templars Square Shopping Centre.

Singers, dancers and bands all took to the stage in a bid to get through to the competitions final, as shoppers watched on.

One of the hopeful contestants was Gizmo Tree, 37, who sang a version of Adele’s Make You Feel My Love.

The Rose Hill resident said: “Apart from being a nervous wreck, I really enjoyed it. I didn’t sleep last night at all.

“I have been singing since I can remember and I used to earn my pocket money singing for my neighbours at the age of five.

“Apart from being a full-time mum my other aim is to be a star. I hope that winning Talent Oxford helps.”

She was judged by a panel which included former X Factor contestant Chelsea Sianga from Blackbird Leys, Miss Oxford 2012 Amelia Watt and former Lord Mayor Elise Benjamin.

Ms Watt said: “It’s exciting to see how much talent there is in Oxford. I have been very impressed with the wide range of talents.”

Dancer Louis Knott, 17, from Kidlington, also auditioned for the contest.

He said: “I have been into dancing for about two years and I want to excel and get myself well known.

“I’m really passionate about it and Talent Oxford will help me.”

The 24 acts which are given the thumbs-up by the judges will find out their fate on Friday, July 20, via a YouTube video.

They will then get the chance to perform at a live grand final at the Regal, in Cowley Road, East Oxford, on Saturday, October 6.

Organiser Lydiah Igweh said: “It’s about challenging people’s creativity and for some of the people who take part it can be life-changing, because it’s their first time on a stage.

“It builds up their confidence and makes them believe in themselves.

“This year we have had all sorts of talent and I’m pleased with the turnout.”

A star-studden judging panel made up of John Partridge, who plays Christian Clarke in EastEnders, R’n’B artist J-Sol and SClub 8 singer Stacey McClean will pick the winner of the final.

The winners of Talent Oxford will get £1,000, a professional website, photoshoot, video show reel and the chance to star in a countywide school tour.

For more information visit