With all the problems and costs of the mismanagement by Oxfordshire County Council over the Cogges Link Road (Oxford Mail, June 27 & 19), why doesn’t the council become more flexible in its engagement with the public and negotiations with developers about Section 106 planning gain money?

Would the council share the traffic flow information into and out of Witney (as long as it is accurate) and contemplate the vastly cheaper option of a park-and-ride system for Witney, thus stopping peak traffic problems in the town?

The peak flows of traffic are on Fridays and Saturdays, between 8am and 9am and between 4pm and 6pm, in Station Lane and Bridge Street.

If this released cash, by removing the need to build further roads, then the money could be used for other capital projects which Witney needs.

Surely our public representatives and councillors could start to rise to this challenge?

James Robertshaw High Street Witney