We attended the Vale of White Horse District Council planning meeting on June 20, when the conversion of 22 Appleford Drive, Abingdon, into four one-bedroom flats was approved.

The Abingdon councillors voted against the proposal. There were 21 letters of objection from local residents.

The Kennington councillor cited mixed development as a principle in planning decisions and this had been achieved in Kennington.

It would seem that the symmetry of a development is disregarded. Appleford Drive is part of the ex-Harwell development of family homes of a particular design.

With mixed development, anyone with an eye to the main chance can swoop into an area and alter the housing aspect.

And, of course, make money at the same time.

What, we may ask, has happened to ‘localism’? We understood this was important but it seems to be completely overlooked.

Perhaps the whole subject of house building should be brought into the public arena and a light shone on the matter.

Our young people hoping to start families may thank us for this initiative.

P LEWIS and J LEWIS (Mrs) Welford Gardens Abingdon