Sir – Chris Gray’s sad declaration that he had never seen the Queen during his fifties childhood (Gray Matter, May 31), had me sobbing into my Jubilee gin.

She was not a distant presence, Chris, you just had to be in the right place — definitely, not Peterborough. Living in suburbia and going for the then customary “Sunday afternoon drive” in Dad’s shiny black Ford Prefect with real leather seats, I often saw Her Majesty being chauffeured around, just like me and encouraged by my grandmother, I would wave regally to her like any good young Elizabethan.

Her Majesty never did wave back, but after my family had moved to Crawley, she graciously visited my school; New Towns were important places in those days.

After all the practice I had in those early years, I can still, when seated on leather, execute an authentic Royal Wave. Just admit it, Chris, some of us were born to be in the presence of royalty and others sadly, not.

Margaret Bulleyment, Steeple Aston