I READ recently the news that Oxford City Council is to spend nearly £600,000 on making Oxford more cycle-friendly.

Can we assume a similar amount is to be spent on making Oxford more pedestrian-friendly?

The main way to do that is to stop and punish cyclists who cycle on footpaths.

It would be nice to hope that the local police officers would actually do their jobs, but they are about as much use as a seeding dandelion would be for hammering nails!

(They are so overworked that recently they could afford to deploy seven officers on catching motorists in St Gile’s, who were exceeding the 20mph speed limit!) Perhaps it is time for large groups of pedestrians to roam Oxford’s footpaths (not official cycle lanes) refusing to leap out of the way of illegal cyclists, thus reclaiming footpaths for pedestrians.

JOHN WEBB, Goose Green Close, Wolvercote