DAVID Scott has certainly rattled the cage of Ed Turner, the deputy city council leader (last Friday’s Oxford Mail ViewPoints).

Ed gives a long list of reasons for the new Barton development but Mail readers, being concerned, intelligent citizens, are probably already aware of the rights and wrongs of the Barton extension.

I guess the deputy council leader, being a senior public servant, felt the need to reply to Mr Scott’s letter, just in case a few of us were unable to scramble over the footlights to get a glimpse of the overall picture.

My own concern (along with others) is what infrastructure policy has been adopted and will it be in place before any attempt to erect housing?

As one example, I understand the link road from the proposed new Barton development through Northway Estate is intended for buses and emergency vehicles only, which will attract a massive amount of traffic to the already heavily congested Green Road roundabout, especially at peak times, increasing misery for commuters.

There are many outstanding issues with this development that need to be addressed properly before any emotive decisions are made quickly to try to reduce Oxford’s housing shortage.

New homes are needed but not without careful consideration of the impact on all residents affected.

ALAN KERRY Newman Road Littlemore Oxford