Your front page headline (last Friday’s Oxford Mail), paid tribute to the wonderful work of Professor Robert MacLaren and his team at the John Radcliffe Hospital in restoring partial sight to a sufferer from retinitis pigmentosa who previously had no sight.

This has given new hope to the thousands of people with the disease in this country and of course to the 200 sufferers in Oxfordshire.

I have the privilege to be the chairman of the RP Fighting Blindness Oxfordshire Group and warmly invite anyone in the county who has the disease, and their family and friends, to contact me and to join our group.

We are one of several local groups in this country and we operate under the guidance of the national RP Society.

We regularly meet socially, have meetings addressed by research and consultants from the John Radcliffe eye unit and other hospitals and research units and hear about their work and progress towards a cure for this previously incurable affliction.

We collect regularly at superstores in the county and at other local venues to raise money for the Society’s Medical Research Fund, which is then passed on in the form of grants, some of which will certainly have helped the Oxford unit to progress towards their splendid achievement.

If you are interested and would like further information, please call me on 01865 873246, or e-mail PETER JACKSON Church Road Wheatley