A team of cricketers made famous in three bestselling books will take on a Norwegian side in Oxford on Sunday.

The Captain Scott Invitation XI, whose exploits have been documented in Penguins Stopped Play, Rain Men and Zimmer Men, will face the Oslo Aliens at Christ Church sports ground in Iffley Road.

The encounter is the return leg of a game between the two sides that took place on a snow-covered Oslo pitch in -7C temperatures in January.

The match will also raise funds for Aids-awareness charity Cricket Without Boundaries, which will be presented with £1,000 from the Norwegian side at the end of play.

Tim Ward, of Oslo Aliens, said: “Our members comprise cricket-crazy ex-pats who have settled in Norway due to either work or family links and although we complain about the cold and dark, we count ourselves lucky to be living in a country that annually tops the UN Development Program as best place in the world to live.

“We resolved to stop complaining about the poor artificial wickets, long grass, constant rain and holey nets and help others considerably less fortunate than ourselves. Cricket Without Boundaries is the perfect vehicle for our cause by helping raise the awareness of HIV and Aids in developing countries through a sport which is very close to all our hearts.”

Visit cricketwithout boundaries.com for details