Every so often you publish letters from atheists (Peter Garry March 27; Roger Keable, Monday’s ViewPoints) who ask for proof of God’s existence.

By using our reason we can discover sufficient evidence for God’s existence.

Consider the universe, nothing in it created itself.

So there has to be a force, or a power, or a cause, that brings everything into existence, keeps it in existence for a period of time and allows it to go out of existence.

Here we see the creative power of God who must exist. GK Chesterton wrote: “Show me a clock without a clockmaker and I will believe in a Universe without a Universe maker.”

Consider the design in nature, the immensity of outer space, the constellations of stars, a dawn chorus, golden sunsets, black holes, the range and beauty of flowers and trees, the mysteries of sounds and what they reveal.

Nor is there any disorder in nature – night follows day and seasons follow in sequence.

The built–in instinct of birds and animals enable them to react to the seasonal changes.

The designs in nature imply the existence of a designer who we know as God.

Consider our ‘inner voice’, which tells us when we are doing right or wrong, warning us beforehand or condemning us afterwards.

This ‘inner voice’ is dictating to us a law which we did not make and which no human can make.

It is the law of God, telling us that by doing what is right is one of the ways to find happiness.

It also shows that we are responsible to God for our behaviour.

There are other indications for God’s existence.

DERMOT R CARROLL, Wilkins Road, Cowley, Oxford