CHILDREN, parents and staff are celebrating after Marcham Pre-School Playgroup was given an outstanding rating by Ofsted.

The pre-school, based at the village primary, was given Ofsted’s highest rating in every area.

In her report, inspector Margaret Faull said: “There is a wide variety of exciting and stimulating activities which ensure children’s learning and development is outstanding.

“The highly effective team, working with the manager, ensures that individual children’s needs are met.”

The only area for improvement was to build on the “excellent” relationship with Marcham Primary School to further share expertise.

Pre-school supervisor Marion Belcher said: “It was fantastic. We are all clearly delighted with Ofsted’s judgement.

“The staff work very hard to provide the best possible experience for our children, and it’s great to have that recognised.”

Among the areas praised was parent and carer involvement with the nursery, with families active in raising funds to support the group.

Ms Belcher said: “The support of the committee and the parents is invaluable but it is the children that make it all worthwhile.”

The pre-school has been running since 1968, and is run by a voluntary committee of parents and carers.

Currently there are 29 children aged between two and five on the roll.