SPARE a thought for lambs and sheep this spring.

There is no better illustration of new life and hope than seeing newborn lambs.

Sadly, the sunshine hides an unpalatable truth. The reality is that the lives of most sheep is short and often filled with pain, disease and fear.

Around 15 per cent of all newborn lambs die annually in the UK, with hypothermia responsible for around one million deaths each year.

Most UK lambs are subjected to tail docking; a rubber ring is applied to the tail and prevents blood flow, between four to six weeks later the tail will wither and drop off.

This causes pain and stress.

Naturally, sheep can live between 10-12 years but lambs killed for meat are typically just four to six months old.

Each meat-eater in their lifetime will be responsible for the death of 23 sheep.

If this disturbs you, stop eating meat and try vegetarian food instead.

For free help in saving the lives of animals contact Viva! on 0117 944 1000 or email:

JUSTIN KERSWELL Campaigns manager Viva!

York Court Wilder Street Bristol