BURGESS Field Nature Reserve, by Port Meadow is one of the loveliest places in Oxford.

It is spacious, green and tranquil and, if you go early in the day, you find roe deer that stare at you as you walk by.

Although the city council tries to keep the reserve tidy, a few of us fill bags each week with cans, bottles, bags, etc., thrown into bushes. To add to the problem, we are just coming to the time of year when rubbish is left round the remains of the previous night’s bonfires.

It would be difficult for the council to check and empty litter bins on the nature reserve, so I fear that, until the tiny anti-social minority becomes more considerate, loyal users may need to continue to go occasionally with gloves and bags to clear up the latest debris.

Last year I formed the Friends of Burgess Field.

With the evening bonfire season just starting, please may I use your pages to invite interested people to contact me at Jfry@Lmc.co.uk or 01865 554001.

JAMES FRY, Rawlinson Road, Oxford