COUNCILLOR Rodney Rose’s confirmation that the 20mph speed limit on many of Oxford roads has been an expensive waste of money (Oxford Mail, April 4), will surprise no-one with any common sense.

Attempts to blame Thames Valley Police for not actively chasing offenders forget earlier police statements about the non-affordability of enforcement within current budget restraints.

Also, quotes of £250,000 being spent, after we were originally told £330,000, leaves a query: where has the other £80,000 gone?

Self-regulation would never work, as those who ignore the 20mph signs would be the same idiots who ignore the 30mph limit, and are easily spotted as those who drive close to your rear bumper, flashing lights, tooting horns and mouthing obscenities because you are “holding them up”.

Numerous concerns about the practicality of a 20mph speed limit and questions as to why some roads were covered and others weren’t (suggesting some residents’ lives are more important than others) were ignored by the county council.

Question marks over the legality of application of many of the 20mph signs and the trustworthiness of research into whether this speed reduction was valid, brings council officers’ lack of knowledgeable experience into question – yet again.

Just how much more taxpayers’ money are we going to allow to be wasted before we demand a change in the law that ensures council employees are held responsible for their actions in a similar fashion to private enterprise?

MICK HEAVEY, Oxford Road, Old Marston, Oxford