I fully agree with Tony Augarde’s letter (ViewPoints, March 20) when he refers to the money wasted by Rodney Rose, Oxfordshire County Council’s cabinet member for transport.

He is absolutely right in what he says about the futile exercises being undertaken by the council at a time when we are all expected to tighten our belts.

One large scheme that must have cost tens of thousands of pounds and, in the view of many, totally wasted, are all the 20mph signs, two on every corner, that have sprung up all over the city of Oxford.

In the main, motorists know full well that driving down side streets one should be extra cautious, because of unexpected dangers that may occur and it’s only the very small minority that would abuse this, so I ask was this waste really necessary at a time like this?

Some of this money could have been put by for repairing potholes, of which there are still many throughout the city.

This would, I feel, have been more beneficial to the motorist and saved on motorists not claiming for damage to their vehicles caused by potholes.

The voters who put these people in office to run our city and county councils expect them to be responsible with council tax money and not squander it, as I’m sure they would not be so keen to do if they were running a private enterprise.

COLIN SMITH, George Moore Close, Donnington, Oxford