Wood Green School in Witney has been chosen for the pilot of a new scheme aimed at making schools more environmentally friendly.

It has been designated as the first “Green Hub School” as part of a partnership between Groundwork Thames Valley, Oxfordshire County Council and Oxfordshire Waste Partnership.

The plan is for 20 ‘hub’ schools to be set up, working with pupils, staff and the wider community to look at everything from managing waste to reducing energy usage.

Wood Green School started a green group about a year ago and members have already made a number of changes.

They are hoping the support which comes with green hub school status will mean more improvements can be made.

Co-ordinator Judy Ward, pictured front, said: “Students in the group have been going around and making sure lights are switched off at break and lunch times and, thanks to their leadership, teachers and other pupils are now doing that.

“We are recycling around the school and composting, and we grow vegetables which go into the school restaurant.”

Scheme organisers hope the hub schools will encourage the wider community to follow suit.