SCHOOL inspectors say standards at Burford School have improved in the last three years.

Ofsted inspected the school in February and found it to be good, an improvement on its satisfactory report in 2009.

The inspectors said: “The headteacher provides a very strong lead and is unafraid to tackle difficult issues to bring about improvement.

Students, parents, carers and staff are overwhelmingly positive about the school and its work.

“The quality of teaching is good overall, and is never less than good in the sixth form, enabling current students to learn rapidly and achieve well.”

Headteacher Kathy Haig said the result was particularly impressive because in January Ofsted raised the level necessary to achieve the standard. She added: “We are very pleased. People have worked very hard for it and it is well deserved.

“Our next step will be to become outstanding on every measure.”

The school is also consulting on plans to become an academy on July 1.

Mrs Haig, pictured, said: “The big reason is the increase in finances.

“The key thing about more money is that I can employ decent staff or retain decent staff and give curriculum progression. The quality of teachers is what makes a school, other things are nice but that is the core.”