I SEE Oxfordshire County Council has done it again, this time looking at raising daily fees for day centres: £15 to attend, £5 for lunch, £5 transport.

The OAPs won’t be able to afford it. Don’t they realise it’s a lifeline for most of them?

It’s the only time they can get out and meet other people. They are destroying people’s lives and the Government are to blame: cutbacks, cutbacks, cutbacks. That’s all they do. And the poor, old people of this country have to suffer.

My wife has Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. She loves going to the day centre. Also it gives me respite, since looking after her is a full-time job, so I need that time as well. We won’t be able to afford to go, as she also goes to another day centre.

It gives me two days where I can relax and not worry what she is doing.

Have Prime Minister David Cameron and Chancellor George Osbourne any scruples about them? I don’t think so. Prove me wrong, Mr Cameron, and don’t let this happen.

Have some dignity for the old people: you cannot let it happen.

GEORGE ROBERTS, Green Road, Eynsham