Sir – Your article, It’s back to ‘schoul’ for contractors (March 8) was very amusing until the council announced “We will look at remarking the wording in the course of future highway maintenance work in the area”.

Should the words “correcting BT’s botch with tax payers’ money again, when public spending is already out of control and BT make a lot of profit” been added.

It’s lucky someone spotted the spelling mistake before not only the letters disappeared but, no doubt soon, the tarmac will break up and a huge hole will appear.

However I’m sure the tax payer will make repairs in due course.

I cycle to work every day and I am confident that 99 per cent of potholes in our roads are caused by the poor quality of work carried out by contractors “digging up” the road.

Does the council inspect the road after the contractors have completed their work? Are contractors obliged to repair a road in the event of their work failing later?

An example of this situation is Witney Road in Eynsham. This road has been dug up so many times and repaired badly that it’s easier to ride across the fields.

Les Day, Witney