Sir – Peter Lewis’s accusation (Letters, March 8) that councillor Rodney Rose wants to impose residents’ parking zones (CPZs) in East Oxford is both insulting and factually wrong. The demand for CPZs came from residents’ groups (initially Divinity Road area and St Mary’s Road) and was supported by the county councillors in charge of roads and traffic, first Ian Hudspeth and now Rodney Rose, as they recognised the problems we are suffering daily — that they happen to be Conservatives is irrelevant to this issue.

While Dominic Woodfield is right (Letters, March 1) that few changes have been made since the last consultation, the first three resulted in significant improvements.

At recent well-attended meetings hosted by local city councillors, there was overwhelming support for a CPZ in the Divinity area and Magdalen North, while it was not supported in Magdalen South.

The supposed £100,000 profit alleged by Mr Lewis is based on a figure produced by John Tanner in early 2010, and was shown at the time to be a misinterpretation, arising from the way the county publishes the figures. As Ian Hudspeth wrote to Anthony Cheke on January 28, 2010: “The figure that John Tanner is quoting is slightly misleading because of the way we report it.

“Whilst it is true to say that we show the residents’ parking figure showing a profit of £238,623 we have not included the cost of enforcement into that element . . . on the enforcement element we have actually made a loss of £377,711.

“Whilst an element of this enforcement is not associated with controlled parking zones, the enforcement of such zones does make up a significant part of this cost.

“In actual terms the running of the controlled parking zones is done so at loss of approximately £100k.”

It would be appreciated if anti-CPZ campaigners refrained from distorting the evidence.

Elizabeth Mills (chairman) and Ivon Asquith (deputy) for Divinity Road Area Residents’ Association

David Barton (chairman) for Iffley Road Area Residents’ Association

Tristam Wyatt (co-ordinator) for Henley Street Residents’ Association

Anthony Cheke (acting chairman) for Hurst Street Residents’ Association